

I feel alone, lonely, i barely thinkin' i gonna be alone all my life, y can't generate expectations again, because is suferrin' im tired to sufered....everyone gonna take his road, their lifes will be happy of all those who is now in my life....but i know i gonna be alone, unsafe, unknown, only the memory still remains, always, without any family of my own, without kids.....a wife....anyting olny me and myself....i dont know, maybe im on my sad time, in the sadest time, workin' tryin to make confortable, but sometimes i jut can't do it....

What's next? im scared to ask

1 comentario:

-0-0-0- dijo...

Pos no tenga miedo hermano...
los malos momentos sirven para aprender a valorar los buenos bro... y siempre habrá buenos, porque todo en el universo busca siempre el equilibrio...

Relax bro, you can count on us... 'cause we're all counting on you!